
shame about ray, part 4

Next Issue: Standoff!
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Anonymous April 27, 2009 at 6:49 AM  

Sorry. I'm through with this comic. It's a confusing conflagration of crap.

Having had the benefit of viewing Depaola's blogposts for quite some time, this comic doesn't come close to any visual possible based on those blogs.

The personality set-up of Ray, Ned, and Archie aren't quite suited toa comic drawn and told like 'The Adventures of Pruneface' or some horrible graphic 'zine prone to violence.

Just doesn't work. Sorry. I had high hopes for more.

Anonymous May 4, 2009 at 8:15 AM  

Maybe you should stop being so impatient, ya goddam baby. If I could, I would introduce you to my friend, Righty Knuckles. Then we'll see who craps. Baha!

Be good,

Ray Depaola

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